Thursday, May 29, 2008

When it rains it pours.

This week has turned out a crazy one! A lot of stresses, a lot of chaos, a lot of self-realization, and a lot of old friends popping up. Not a ton, but enough to mention. I am happy about renewing these friendships that I had started to let fade.

One that I will share with you now is Shane. We have played a little phone tag, and have sent random texts for the past year or so, with no "real" contact. But something has reunited us this past week. Mostly my stubborn ass giving in. You see, Shane likes to tell me how it is, and I prefer to ignore things that I don't want to hear... Therefore such the long pause in our friendship.

Shane is an amazing guy ( he will tell you that himself). Jk. No, really though he is. It is in our friendship that we can accept our ( to me) pretty drastic difference in lifestyles and opinions, but not let that impede on the things that we both enjoy. For instance; he hates my cats and I hate his worms, but that won't stop us from enjoying each others love of fine music. It just works. And I'm happy we have started communicating again and can't wait for the many good times we shall once again share. So, thanks Shane. For the mean email that sparked this whole thing:)

Monday, May 26, 2008


Jill called me at work friday and insisted that we get away for Memorial Day weekend. Of course I did not hesitate, I don't get out that often. Sounded like a good opportunity.

We ended up going with Jill's daughter, her husband, their son and his wife.

When we got there around 2 or 3, it was raining, so Ev and I took a tour of the Virgin River Casino facilities. I actually kind of started to feel sick to my stomach. The place was pretty raunchy. We played a little ski ball in the arcade. The whole time I was preoccupied with thoughts of spraying the place down with Lysol! Then we watched a movie in the hotel room, which was followed by a lovely dinner in the hotel restaurant. You can never go wrong with french toast. A few of our fellow diners got sick that night.

Sunday was a little better. We sat by the pool at another casino (Casa Blanca) for most of the day. Oh how I wished we were staying there instead! I did get a chance to do a little gambling while Ev was by the pool with g and g. No winning for me. Oh well.

Monday was time to go home! We had a wonderful breakfast at Mc Donald's, then hit the road. Ev was going stir crazy in the car, and Doug almost fell asleep at the wheel. Oh yeah, and Jill thought she needed to out sing whatever was playing on the stereo. We did however arrive safely at about 4:30.

The whole point of this blog is more for my own personal journaling sake. I can look back at it and tell myself just how lucky I am NOT having to live in Mesquite!!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Look who I found...

Refer to my blog below:)


Evan asked me what kind of animal I would want if I could have any animal in the whole world. I couldn't give him a quick enough response. I am still thinking about it, and this was yesterday! Here is a list I've compiled of animals I would like to own.

1- Panda bear. Mostly for their looks. And they sure can climb them damn trees with a quickness. Could escape to easily.

2- Pegacorn. I know... it doesn't exist, BUT IF IT DID, I would definately need one. As a kid I adored unicorns, and the pegacorn has the same beauty and grace as a unicorn but it has wings people.

3- The Luck Dragon from The Never Ending Story!!! I believe his name was Valcor. Think about it. He was like a lucky, big, fluffy, fuzzy dragon with ginormous ears. C'mon now.

4- Highlander cow- Good for looks and milk.

5- Hedgehog- I saw one at the vet a few weeks ago and fell in love. I don't beleive that they can do as much as Sonic, so....

6- Dogs- I want one of each of the following...
Wire haired fox terrier
Pulli ( the one with dreadlocks)
Golden retreiver

I'm going to give up now. Don't feel like thinking:)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

For the crappy weather...

Please enjoy this fine photo stolen from photobucket. I beleive it is a dahlia. It made my day that much brighter so, hopefully it will have the same effect on YOU!


Who made up this silly lil captcha? I tried to make it into a sentence and this is what I came up with.

Fraknklin D. Roosevelt had filthy sex.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Cabin fever

I'm happy I invited myself and my son up to Lisa's cabin last Friday...

We had a wonderful time! I drove up with Thanh, Cindee, Ev and let's not forget Preschy and Bear! Quite a cramped ride but worth saving the gas. Jk.

We had a wonderful dinner that consisted of tri-tip, potatoes, wine, and even angel food cake for dessert! After dinner we played Apples to Apples and Yes I did win:) Then we watched a movie. I don't remember the name, I only remember that Jessica Alba is not the best actress.

A little later in the evening Jen, Teagan, and Natalie blessed us with their company. Katie and Kevin came up as well. Unfortunately they were unable to sleep over.

The following morning was absolutely beautiful. Jarsh made eggs and bacon for breakfast which were quite yummy. Then we all hung out on the porch and basked in the sun for a few hours.

I will quit ramblin on. Just want to say Thanks Lis and Josh for a great time!!!

A day in the life of an ambulance chaser.

So I'm sitting in the waiting room at Carmax (another good story, and don't EVER buy there) and see on the news that a hang glider had crashed into the side of south mountain. I first got a little sad, then a little excited...

Anyway, I picked up my son and we decided to do some investigating. I drove down towards the scene of the accident, and was stopped by 10 million people roaming the streets, fire trucks, and Lifeflight parked dead ahead. We found a vacant house and parked in it's driveway. We moseyed on down to see the helicopter. I was more fascinated than Evan. So I took a pic of him in front of it:)

We then passed a few news stations set up and ready to film. Evan and his BFF had a "crush" on the cute little news reporter, so I asked if I could take a picture of them. She was very sweet and for some reason the cameraman thought I wanted him in it too. Oh well.

I almost forgot about the whole purpose of this excursion. The poor older man that could have died! Well, while walking back to my car parked in my pseudo driveway, he was just being hoisted into the ambulance. I overheard that he was doing ok but had a broken shoulder.

Soooo... What a good way to end an already exciting (jk) day! Oh wait, watch the news today. You might see me and me son prancing around like morons somewhere in the background:)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Sleep monger.

I'ts 2 am and I CAN"T sleep! Maybe it's because I'm so excited for the cabin, or maybe i was having a bad dream, or it could be that my cat was nearly suffocating me...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Photo phun :p

So I'm completely addicted to photobucket's photo editing! Almost every day I download a new picture and play with it for hours. Well, more like minutes but that's besides the point. I'm in the wrong business! Here's one I just messed with of Ev on the swings at Liberty Park last week. Cool, I know.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Under the influence...

So, for the last two days I have been non stop sleepy. I'm not talking about just plain old tired, I'm talkin narcolepticish shit!!! It's been scary! Driving to Bountiful yesterday morning felt like driving home from a long night of drinking! I seriously had to go to an old friends house on my way to work to try and take a 15 min power nap to see if that would work. No such luck. So my day carried on with me in my groggy 1/2 awake state until I got home at 8 and crashed hardcore!!!

This morning same thing. I left work early so that I could go home and sleep, and that's precisely what I did. I woke up about 30 minutes ago, ate, showered, and now am writing this blog. And guess what I'm doing when I'm done? I should go see a psychiatrist but I'd rather not drive anymore today. Friday night, I wouldn't be the only crazy on the road. So I shall sleep instead and figure out what's wrong with me tomorrow. Yawn.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

La Jolla

Eventually... this is where Ev and I will end up. La Jolla, the greatest place on this continent. When we went there last month I even bought a sticker for my car that says La Jolla.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Summer, summer, summertime.

I can't wait for this summer!!!! The pool, camping, rock climbing, taking Ev to the skate park, playing at the park, boating, the farmers market, gallery stroll, kite flying, the beautiful sunsets, para-sailing, flowers in bloom, taking Thanh's dogs to the park, bike rides, summer dresses, sun bathing, swinging on the swings, playing tennis, go-carts, miniature golf, etc... Aren't you excited too!!!