Monday, May 19, 2008

Cabin fever

I'm happy I invited myself and my son up to Lisa's cabin last Friday...

We had a wonderful time! I drove up with Thanh, Cindee, Ev and let's not forget Preschy and Bear! Quite a cramped ride but worth saving the gas. Jk.

We had a wonderful dinner that consisted of tri-tip, potatoes, wine, and even angel food cake for dessert! After dinner we played Apples to Apples and Yes I did win:) Then we watched a movie. I don't remember the name, I only remember that Jessica Alba is not the best actress.

A little later in the evening Jen, Teagan, and Natalie blessed us with their company. Katie and Kevin came up as well. Unfortunately they were unable to sleep over.

The following morning was absolutely beautiful. Jarsh made eggs and bacon for breakfast which were quite yummy. Then we all hung out on the porch and basked in the sun for a few hours.

I will quit ramblin on. Just want to say Thanks Lis and Josh for a great time!!!


Lisa Marie Trent said...

Um, you were invited... dude we'll do it again soon. Girlie style.

That's right.

Holly ( the bad daughter) said...

sounds good! we'll have to do it before cindee moves to san fran!