Friday, May 23, 2008


Evan asked me what kind of animal I would want if I could have any animal in the whole world. I couldn't give him a quick enough response. I am still thinking about it, and this was yesterday! Here is a list I've compiled of animals I would like to own.

1- Panda bear. Mostly for their looks. And they sure can climb them damn trees with a quickness. Could escape to easily.

2- Pegacorn. I know... it doesn't exist, BUT IF IT DID, I would definately need one. As a kid I adored unicorns, and the pegacorn has the same beauty and grace as a unicorn but it has wings people.

3- The Luck Dragon from The Never Ending Story!!! I believe his name was Valcor. Think about it. He was like a lucky, big, fluffy, fuzzy dragon with ginormous ears. C'mon now.

4- Highlander cow- Good for looks and milk.

5- Hedgehog- I saw one at the vet a few weeks ago and fell in love. I don't beleive that they can do as much as Sonic, so....

6- Dogs- I want one of each of the following...
Wire haired fox terrier
Pulli ( the one with dreadlocks)
Golden retreiver

I'm going to give up now. Don't feel like thinking:)

1 comment:

Supercords said...

Might as well open a zoo while you're at it.