Thursday, May 29, 2008

When it rains it pours.

This week has turned out a crazy one! A lot of stresses, a lot of chaos, a lot of self-realization, and a lot of old friends popping up. Not a ton, but enough to mention. I am happy about renewing these friendships that I had started to let fade.

One that I will share with you now is Shane. We have played a little phone tag, and have sent random texts for the past year or so, with no "real" contact. But something has reunited us this past week. Mostly my stubborn ass giving in. You see, Shane likes to tell me how it is, and I prefer to ignore things that I don't want to hear... Therefore such the long pause in our friendship.

Shane is an amazing guy ( he will tell you that himself). Jk. No, really though he is. It is in our friendship that we can accept our ( to me) pretty drastic difference in lifestyles and opinions, but not let that impede on the things that we both enjoy. For instance; he hates my cats and I hate his worms, but that won't stop us from enjoying each others love of fine music. It just works. And I'm happy we have started communicating again and can't wait for the many good times we shall once again share. So, thanks Shane. For the mean email that sparked this whole thing:)


Supercords said...

For the record, I should clear up a few things:

1. I don't have worms. (not since the medication) But I do have a garden and compost pile, where worms seem to thrive :)

2. I don't hate your cats. I've only met VooDoo, singular. And I don't hate him, just his cat hair. Oh, and when he sits in front of the TV during a movie. We'll see about this newest addition to the family.

3. And I still stand behind my belief that my email was not mean in any way. Perhaps poorly worded, but not mean.

Ok, with that out of the way, I'm ecstatic to back on friendly terms and looking forward to leaving this sunny Orlando behind so I can get back to a sometimes overcast Utah. See you then...


Lisa Marie Trent said...

shane, "salsa" shane???

Holly ( the bad daughter) said...

Yes indeed! Salsa Shane is making a comeback!!! Haha.