Sunday, April 20, 2008

I love Lucy

So Saturday was Lucy's turn to visit the vet. She was soooo cool, calm, and collected.... until the mean vet tech came in to get her temperature. She was one of those girls that tried to pass off her mad vet skills until I busted her ass! Jk. I didn't care for her.

But the actual vet on the other hand is a prince in disguise with his long white coat and pocket protector:) He did his thing and passed her off with 100% clean bill of health! Yay. My cat's are mutant health mongers!

While in the waiting room though, I came across a couple with a freakin hedgehog!!!! I want!!!


Lisa Marie Trent said...

seriously a's not illegal or anything? My mom would be DOWN with a hedgehog..

Holly ( the bad daughter) said...

Yes ma'm! He was sooooo cute!