Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Playing with fire.

The title really has nothing to do with what I'm going to write about. Although I do enjoy playing with fire, as does my boy:) Jk.

I'm really bummed about the big move this weekend! Once you have lived on your own, and in your own home, it's very hard to go back to sharing a household again.

There will be perks though... No power bill, cable bill, or gas bill. Many of my meals will be prepared for me. I will have a beautiful view and a park right across the street! Best of all, I will be saving a tremendous amount of cash. Now if only I can learn to control where the "extra" cash goes:)


Lisa Marie Trent said...

give me the extra cash. ;) Are you comin tomorrow for the shin dig?

Holly ( the bad daughter) said...

what shin dig? i don't recall being invited to one. and why cant i read your blog!!!!

Lisa Marie Trent said...

I sent you an email telling the whole story why.... I'll send you the "invite" well as THIS invite, that I DO remember talking to you about cause you said you might bring someone.
It's josh's b-day today....and we are having a bbq....are light bulbs turning on..?