Monday, June 23, 2008

PTA mom.

At the beginning of Evan's school year, I decided to sign up for PTA. I was feeling like quite the good parent that day. I even signed up to teach an art class!

I had heard not a word for months, until a few weeks ago when Ev brought home a shredded piece of paper giving me the times that I needed to be there to help with this art class.

I marked it on my calendar and showed up with bells on:) My duty was to help his class make paper mache puppets that they would later use to perform their plays. I had a great time drawing and painting faces on their characters. They did an awesome job!! I took pics of some of my favorites. Ev was Babe The Blue Ox:)


Lisa Marie Trent said...

so CRAFTY you are!

Cindee said...

you're such an awesome mom!

Supercords said...

You in PTA... wow.

Cool puppets, although a bit on the creepy side. Judging from some of the posts below, that doesn't surprise me :)